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Tools for the development of communication strategies


Pfannenberg/Tessmer/Wecker: JP KOM Toolbox EN
  • Scope and task
  • Market environment and operational targets
  • Communicative goals and stakeholders
  • Strategic guidelines
  • Requested services


Each strategy has a subject area (Scope) for which it provides solutions, e.g. employee communication, the launch of a new product, communication on a controversial issue. The task is defined by the scope; tasks without a scope remain diffuse: The field of work must be defined.

Communication in companies and organizations is not an end in itself. In order to develop the communication strategy, it is essential to understand the operational (e.g.  increase sales, employee collaboration) and strategic / financial objectives that communication is intended to support. All of this – corporate activity and communication – takes place in a market environment, e.g., the labor market, the sales market, the financial market, etc.

At the same time as the scope, the briefing specifies the communicative objectives in the subject area. These are communication objectives that the client believes will help the company/organization achieve its operational and strategic goals.

Often, the client already sets strategic guidelines for the solution in the task definition. These may be specifics of the business model or cultural constants, experiences from previous projects, possibly personal beliefs or preferences also play a role.

The scope is specified by the services to be provided, which are requested with the task. These are the must-have measures.