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Tools for the development of communication strategies


Pfannenberg/Tessmer/Wecker: JP KOM Toolbox EN
  • Stakeholders and issues
  • Reputation and communication behavior
  • Competitive analysis
  • Stakeholders and their media use
  • Media analysis
  • Analysis summary


What does the communications manager/team need to know in order to develop a target-oriented strategy and successful measures?

Answering the question of who the company's/organization's stakeholders are for the issue is part of the assignment and will be explored in more depth in conjunction with the TARGET messages. However, the relationship between the stakeholders, how their roles are defined, what issues move them, and how closely or indirectly these issues are linked in the public perception/discussion is part of the analysis. This is the basis for addressing stakeholders in a way that meets their relevance (framing).

The external perception (reputation/image) of the company or of services and actors is the object of change through communication. In order to be correctly oriented here (TARGET image), the ACTUAL image must be examined.

On the one hand, the analysis of the competition serves best-practice research and benchmarking – and thus pays off in the formulation of objectives. On the other hand, the competitive analysis provides important indications for relevant issues and – by comparing strengths and weaknesses – also starting points for the strategy and measures.

Knowing the mentalities and preferences of stakeholders is the basis for addressing them: the issues and messages. ACTUAL media use uncovers ways to reach stakeholders. 

The analysis of individual media highlights best practices or makes clear how not to do it (worst practices). This provides guidance for the content and design of the company's own measures.

For the summary of the analysis, the SWOT analysis has proven to be useful.